Shizuoka University
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Laboratory of Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry

<Coral reefs>

Our research topics include organic matter and nutrient cycling, food web and microbial loop, ocean acidification, primary productivity, and nitrogen fixation in coastal ecosystem. In the coral reefs’ environment, we are exhaustively studying coral bleaching and diseases, their mechanism, and the relationship with environmental stressors such as high seawater temperature, strong irradiance, high inorganic nitrogen inputs, and other pollutants effects. The present research team is developing research on the coral reefs of Mauritius since the year 2003, sponsored by several subsequent JSPS grants (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-aid) 

Project Summary

Global climate changes are affecting the coral reefs around the world. However coral reefs in Mauritius showed tolerance with high recovery rates after massive coral bleaching events. Heat-tolerant corals, including some rare/endemic species, were already identified by Shizuoka University research team in Mauritius reefs. However, after the grounding of the MV Wakashio on the coast of Mauritius in July 2020, the spilled oil caused coral bleaching due to toxicity from oil chemicals and excessive sedimentation. The question is Can the corals in Mauritius be resilient to this new disturbance in combination with the ongoing global warming scenario? Physiological responses of corals to these new stressors in combination with the ongoing warming scenario will be studied applying innovative techniques on molecular biology and field surveys in collaboration with the University of Mauritius and NGOs. We will strongly focus on education and training of students, young researchers and the participation of citizens. The final goal is to create consciousness among the Mauritius citizens to protect and help the recovery of their reefs for the future of their economy.

Activity Period

5 years from 2022

Activity Report


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